Because it wasn't peeling well.
Doctor: Peel better soon!
Because they make up everything!
Don't trust those sneaky atoms!
I'll meet you at the corner!
Let's stick together!
Igloos it together!
Snow kidding, it's a cool process!
A gummy bear!
Don't worry, he won't bite!
Because he was outstanding in his field!
A-maize-ing achievement!
Tonight, dinner's on me!
Let's dish it out together!
They don't have the guts!
Bone to be wild!
Because they are shellfish!
They keep their pearls to themselves.
Because it was feeling crumbly!
Doctor: Take two cookies and call me in the morning.
A thesaurus!
He's a real wordy dino.
Because it had too many problems!
Cheer up, math book!
You put a little boogie in it!
Get your tissues on the dance floor.
Because it saw the salad dressing!
Blushing tomatoes.
Because it was two-tired!
Give that bike a break.
They don't have the guts!
Bone to be wild!
Stay here, I'm going on ahead!
Hat humor in motion.
Because it left its Windows open!
Protect your computer from viruses and colds.
Because he was outstanding in his field of debates!
Agricultural politics at its best.
In case he got a hole in one!
Prepared for the unexpected.
You might think it's 'R', but it's the 'C' they love.
Because they make up everything!
Don't trust those sneaky atoms!
Climb a tree and act like a nut!
Squirrel tactics.
Because it found its honey!
Beeautiful love story.
A mars-upial bar!
Sweet treats for kangaroos.
They don't have the guts!
Bone to be wild!
Tonight, dinner's on me!
Let's dish it out together!
Because it had the drumsticks!
Cluck and roll music.
I'll meet you at the corner!
Let's stick together!
Because it saw the salad dressing!
Blushing tomatoes.
Tonight, dinner's on me!
Let's dish it out together!
Because then they'd be bagels!
Clever seagulls.
The living room!
Skeleton preferences.
Because it was two-tired!
Give that bike a break.
An abdominal snowman!
Fitness in frosty weather.
Because they might crack up!
Eggcellent joke.
Stay here, I'm going on ahead!
Hat humor in motion.
Because they make up everything!
Don't trust those sneaky atoms!
I'll meet you at the corner!
Let's stick together!
Because he was outstanding in his field!
A-maize-ing achievement!
Igloos it together!
Snow kidding, it's a cool process!
A gummy bear!
Don't worry, he won't bite!
To talk to the other side!
Chicken crossing over.
Between you and me, something smells!
Eye jokes.
It had too many bytes of emotional baggage!
Computer counseling.
Nothing, it just let out a little wine!
Grapes in distress.
Because it had too many problems!
Cheer up, math book!
Because he was outstanding in his field of debates!
Agricultural politics at its best.
Do you smell carrots?
Snowman banter.
Because it wasn't peeling well.
Doctor: Peel better soon!
Because they are shellfish!
They keep their pearls to themselves.
Igloos it together!
Snow kidding, it's a cool process!
Because it was feeling crumbly!
Doctor: Take two cookies and call me in the morning.
In case he got a hole in one!
Prepared for the unexpected.
Stay here, I'm going on ahead!
Hat humor in motion.
Because it had the drumsticks!
Cluck and roll music.
You put a little boogie in it!
Get your tissues on the dance floor.
Because it ran out of juice!
Grape traffic.
Because it was already stuffed!
Teddy bear wisdom.
A puddle!
Melting snowman troubles.
To visit the egg-straterrestrial!
Chicken space odyssey.
Because it had a great sense of humor!
Field of funny.
Stay here, I'm going on ahead!
Hat humor in motion.
Because it was two-tired!
Give that bike a break.
Do you smell carrots?
Snowman banter.
Because he was outstanding in his field!
A-maize-ing achievement!